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Rent BMW 318d, 2022 in Montenegro

from 4,617 ₽ in a day

from 50 € in a day

from 55 $ in a day

from 0.0006 ₿ in a day

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from   12€

+382 69 31-32-33

Phone in Montenegro

Leave the phone and our manager will call you back within an hour

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The rental price is includedо

Driver (on request)
GPS navigator
Baby seat
Delivery to the hotel
Meeting at the airport
OSAGO insurance  


from 462 ₽ from 5 $ from 0.0001 ฿ from 5 € / day
Unlimited mileage

Mileage without mileage limitations

Second driver

The ability to put behind the wheel of another

Nearest foreign countries

Ability to travel to neighboring countries

BMW 318d, 2022

No matching options
Gearbox: Automatic
Body type: Sedan
Colour: Brown
Seats: 5
Doors: 5
Trunk: 488
Scope: 2.0 л.
Fuel: Diesel
Consump: 5.0
Power: 150
Audio: Radio,   Audio-CD,   MP3,   USB,   Bluetooth

6,926 ₽ in a day
6,002 ₽ in a day
5,079 ₽ в день
4,617 ₽ in a day
15-30 days:
4,617 ₽
55 $
0.0006 ฿
50 €
8-14 days:
5,079 ₽
60 $
0.0007 ฿
55 €
4-7 days:
6,002 ₽
71 $
0.0008 ฿
65 €
1-3 day:
6,926 ₽
82 $
0.0009 ฿
75 €
1-3 day
6,926 ₽ 75 € 82 $ 0.0009 ฿ /day
4-7 days
6,002 ₽ 65 € 71 $ 0.0008 ฿ /day
8-14 days
5,079 ₽ 55 € 60 $ 0.0007 ฿ /day
8-14 days
4,617 ₽ 50 € 55 $ 0.0006 ฿ /day
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