de 3,407 ₽ un jour
de 38 € un jour
de 41 $ un jour
de 0,0005 ₿ un jour
Le prix de location comprendо
de 448 ₽ de 5 $ de 0,0001 ฿ de 5 € / jourKilométrage sans limitations de kilométrage
La capacité de mettre au volant d'un autre
Possibilité de voyager dans les pays voisins
A cabriolet with a rigid convertible roof is built on the platform of the hatchback of the same name. The diesel 2-liter allows to develop the maximum speed of 202 km / h, and the soft automatic transmission makes this car one of the most convenient both in urban conditions and on the road. Peugeot 308 SS spends 11.8 liters in city conditions, up to 6 liters on the highway and 8.1 liters with a mixed cycle. Has 4 places.